Friday, November 18, 2011

Description of the pharaoh ants

Description of Pharaoh Ant

The workers of Monomorium pharaonis (pharaoh ants) (L.) while monomorphic (same size), do vary slightly in length and are approximately 1.5 to 2 mm long. The antennae have 12 segments with each segment of the 3-segmented antennal clubs increasing in size toward the apex of the club. pharaoh ant eye is comparatively small, with approximately six to eight ommatidia across the greatest diameter. Eyes are poor and possess on average 32 ommatidia. The antennal segments end in a distinct club with three progressively longer segments. The prothorax has subangular shoulders, and the thorax has a well- defined mesoepinotal impression. pharaoh ants have erect hairs are sparse on the body, and body pubescence is sparse and closely appresssed. The head, thorax, petiole and postpetiole (the petiole, or the petiole and postpetiole, in ants is also called the pedicel) are densely (but weakly) punctulate, dull, or subopaque. The clypeus, gaster, and mandibles are shiny. pharaoh ant body color ranges from yellowish or light brown to red, with the abdomen often darker to blackish. A stinger is present but is rarely exserted.

Pharaoh ants being extremely small can be found in a diversity of places appearing suddenly. They have a wide range of foraging and their nest are usually well hidden. They are very persistent, with large colonies.
Workers of the Pharaoh ant can often be observed on their feeding trails, often using wiring or hot water pipes to travel through walls and between floors. Once a worker has located a food source, it lays a chemical trail from the food to the nest . Pharaoh ants are attracted to sweet and fatty foods, which may be used to determine their presence. Pharaoh ants will nest in the oddest places, such as between sheets of stationary, layers of bed linen and clothes, in appliances, or even piles of trash .
Pharaoh ants may be confused with thief ants, bigheaded ants, firs ants and several other species of small pale ants. However, thief ants have just 10 segments in their antennae with only a 2-segmented club. Bigheaded and fire ants have a pair of spines on the thorax, while other small pale ants have only a one segment on the pedical .

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